Thursday, 14 June 2007 at 17:03, mcrilf wrote...

Usability & holistic SEO

SEO should never be seen as an activity separable from the build of a website. It should be totally integral to that build - taken into account when defining

- the site architecture (how do I structure the site in a way that search engines will like?)

- the design (should I use graphical headers and if so, how can I make these search-engine friendly?)

- and the copywriting (what keywords should I be including in my copy?).

The guys over at have some interesting view on web usability and SEO. Including “No matter how hard you try, there is always something wrong with your website“…there are always improvements that can be made to usability that affect conversion, referral and traffic.

Here’ their list of top 10 things that drive visitors crazy - that we should all take note of when designing our sites.

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Monday, 4 June 2007 at 06:42, mcrilf wrote...

Like, do I need another one?

How many social networking sites does the world need. I just stumbledupon which, I'm sad so say, I wasn't aware of until now. But now what? Do I join?

Do I heck.

I can't even find the time to keep up with my buddies on linkedin, myspace, facebook, minti, twitter and cafepress...and balance it with a real life outside the internet.

Sorry, I'm outta there.

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